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Showing posts from September, 2019

Bible Study 10/01/2019: Proverbs Overview Videos

Video 1: Video 2: Discussion Questions: Question 1: Have you ever thought of Proverbs as divinely inspired general principles for life rather than specific promises? Does that help clarify the purpose of these pithy sayings? Question 2: What is your favorite Proverb, and how has it been meaningful to you? Question 3: What Proverb has been most painful to you as God has used it to convict you? (see Ecclesiastes 12:11 )

The Good Shepherd and His Sheep, John 10:1-21

The Good Shepherd and His Sheep John 10:1-21, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 09/29/2019 Introduction: Last week our thoughts were centered on the previous chapter in John’s gospel, chapter 9. In that chapter we find Jesus leaving the temple, and on his way out he encounters a man who has been blind from birth. Jesus takes note of this man, and subsequently heals him. This man has been without sight his entire life, decades of blindness, living in the dark. And now has he sees. John, the writer, notes for us in v14 that this took place on the Sabbath day. How do the Pharisees, the religiously serious and socially important people in the crowd, respond to this? Verse 18 tells us that they initially disbelieved. But even after it becomes obvious that this miracle is genuine, they refuse to embrace it as good news. Rather, they are upset that Jesus has overturned their religious apple cart. They demand in verse 24 of chapter 9 that the man, who once was blind but now can see, renou...

Sight and Blindness; John 9:1-41

Sight and Blindness John 9:1-41, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 09/22/2019 Introduction: As we begin this morning, I want to first address the question of why we’re covering a whole chapter at once. Why not slow down and take this in three or four sermons? There are several reasons, but the main one is this: this chapter contains one story. It’s not quite like chapter 8 where you have multiple conversations on similar themes woven together; instead, while there are several conversations, there is one central narrative around Jesus meeting, healing, and calling to salvation this man born blind. And so while there is certainly material enough in this text for a stack of sermons, I think it will be useful for us to try to look at the story as one cohesive unit.  Read: John 9:1-7 Here we see the opening scene of this story. Everything that follows in chapter nine centers around this event. As we move through the text, we’ll first examine this paragraph centered on the miracle, ...