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Showing posts from October, 2019

Behind a Frowning Providence; John 11:1-16

Behind a Frowning Providence John 11:1-16, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 10/27/2019 Introduction: God moves in a Mysterious way/His wonders to perform/He plants his footsteps in the sea/and rides upon the storm . So opens William Cowper’s famous poem, “God Moves in a Mysterious Way.” As we examine the first 16 verses of John 11 this morning, we will see God, in the person of his Son, moving in very mysterious ways. We will see the love of God on display in this text. But God doesn’t put his love on display here in the way we might expect him to or want him to. We can’t lift our 21st century, modern American ideas of love and drop them into this text or we’ll get horribly lost. When we read about God’s love in the Bible, we must then allow God himself to define what this love looks like. What we will see in our passage this morning is Sovereign Love in Action. As we examine this passage, we’ll do so under four headings: First, we will see that this is love from which Jesus is acting...

Seeking to See the God of My Salvation; Psalm 27

Psalm 27 Seeking to See the God of My Salvation Plummer Bible Church, 10/13/2019 Remsen Bible Fellowship, 10/20/2019 Introduction: What does it mean to see God? As we have studied the gospel according to John, one of the important themes has been that those who have seen Jesus have seen the Father.  This seeing, though, was a spiritual perception, not merely taking something in via the eyes. Many who saw Jesus in his days on earth saw but did not see . How can we who do not see him physically hope, then, to see him? Seeing God isn’t simply a theme in the Gospel of John, it is one of the great hopes of the Bible as a whole. As sinners, we have been cut off from seeing God, such that God tells Moses in Exodus 33:20 , you cannot see my face, for man shall not see me and live. But the chief joy of the New Heavens and the New Earth in Revelation is Revelation 21:3 , Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, ...

Bible Study 10/15/2019: Job Overview Videos

Video 1: Video 2: Discussion Questions: 1: Have you ever questioned God's goodness or justice? 2: Have you ever felt like God left you in the dark? 3: What do you think of God's response to Job from the whirlwind? Do you find comfort in it? 4: What is God's ultimate resolution to suffering? Romans 8:18-25

Where Do You Stand? John 10:22-42

Where Do You Stand? John 10:22-42 Remsen Bible Fellowship, 10/06/2019 Introduction: Last week we looked at Jesus’ sermon to the Pharisees wherein he unpacks a simple illustration: he is the Good Shepherd of his sheep. He displays his character as the Good Shepherd by sacrificially laying down his life for the sheep, which stands in stark contrast to the thieves and robbers, the false shepherds, who seek merely personal gain and who live of the fat and wool of the flock. This morning, though the scene has shifted slightly between verses 21 and 22, the theme remains largely the same. And as we move through the text this morning questions may arise in your mind, such as, am I his sheep? Do I hear his voice? Am I in the Father’s hand? Do I believe in him?  I think we can summarize these all in one: where do you stand? Read: John 10:22-42 Note the time marker in v22 : the Feast of Dedication. The feast of dedication is a celebration of the rededication of the ...