Behind a Frowning Providence John 11:1-16, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 10/27/2019 Introduction: God moves in a Mysterious way/His wonders to perform/He plants his footsteps in the sea/and rides upon the storm . So opens William Cowper’s famous poem, “God Moves in a Mysterious Way.” As we examine the first 16 verses of John 11 this morning, we will see God, in the person of his Son, moving in very mysterious ways. We will see the love of God on display in this text. But God doesn’t put his love on display here in the way we might expect him to or want him to. We can’t lift our 21st century, modern American ideas of love and drop them into this text or we’ll get horribly lost. When we read about God’s love in the Bible, we must then allow God himself to define what this love looks like. What we will see in our passage this morning is Sovereign Love in Action. As we examine this passage, we’ll do so under four headings: First, we will see that this is love from which Jesus is acting...
Remsen Bible Fellowship meets Sunday mornings at 10am at the VFW Hall, 207 S. Washington St, Remsen, IA. We'd love for you to join us for worship!