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Showing posts from December, 2019

Follow Jesus to the Father; John 13:36-14:7

Follow Jesus to the Father John 13:36-14:7, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 12/29/2019 Introduction: During the early stages of praying and planning a church plant in Remsen, one of the things I worked on was a mission statement. What I settled on, at least for now, though I’m always open to improving it, is the following: We (Remsen Bible Fellowship) exist to help people become followers of Jesus and grow in likeness to him, for their joy and for God’s glory.  While that statement isn’t perfect, I do feel like it captures the essence of what we desire to see in the establishing of a new church here in town. We recognize that there are many people who aren’t believers in Jesus, aren’t following him, aren’t committed to him heart and soul-and we want to see that change. Not to try and be some cool new thing, or to get people to be like us. I’ve been around me too long to want other people to be like me. But because apart from Jesus there is no lasting hope, no lasting peace, no...

Will You Receive the King? John 12:12-43

Will You Receive the King? John 12:12-43, 12/01/2019, Remsen Bible Fellowship Introduction: Have you received Jesus as your king? Many people consider “believing in Jesus” to be something that you do to be rescued from hell whereas choosing to surrender your life to him is an optional add on. That difference, between believing and obeying, exists in Scripture, indeed, we will see it in our text this morning. But we must ask, can such belief save ( James 2:14 )? In John’s gospel, and indeed, in the whole Bible, what we see is that genuine faith receives the whole Christ. We can’t have Savior Jesus who rescues us without King Jesus who rules us. Only a mighty king is equipped to do the saving work we need. Perhaps that strikes you as abrasive. But what we will see in our text this morning is that true joy-indeed, true glory -can only be found in gladly recognizing, following, glorifying, and receiving the One True King.  Read: John 12:12-19 Recognizing the King As...