Serving the God You’ve Seen John 14:8-14, Remsen Bible Fellowship, 01/05/2020 This morning we are going to address to great truths: Jesus’ gracious revelation to those who believe, and Jesus’ powerful promises to those who believe. Read the Text Jesus’ Gracious Revelation to Those Who Believe: v8-11 What do you most long for? What is the one thing that you think if only, then… ? Last week we heard Jesus address the disciples troubled hearts, v1 He offered them comfort with the assurances of the Father having a place for them ( v2 ) and of his personal return to receive them to himself ( v3 ) He is the Way to where he is going-that they can only get to the Father through him, v6 Now, as we come to v8 , Philip asks, Lord… The first question we should ask the text is: is Philip making a good request? Absolutely. Ex 33:18 , Psalm 27:4 Where Philip goes wrong is his misapprehension of the way in which that request would be fulfilled; he’s looking for...
Remsen Bible Fellowship meets Sunday mornings at 10am at the VFW Hall, 207 S. Washington St, Remsen, IA. We'd love for you to join us for worship!