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Showing posts from March, 2020

How Majestic is Your Name! Psalm 8

How Majestic is His Name! Psalm 8, 3/29/2020, Remsen Bible Online Introduction Proverbs 27:1 says, Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring. How true that has proved these past days and weeks. Acknowledging the truth of this, let me follow the wisdom of James who tells us to preface our plans with, if the Lord wills. If the Lord wills, we're going to pause our study in John for a few more weeks.  Many of us feel uncertain about the world around us. In these times, with daily shifts in the news about the coronavirus, responses by the governments in our country and around the world, the resulting economic troubles- there are increased levels of anxiousness and worry. I'm not normally given to anxiety, but I've noticed in my own life what almost feels like a background noise, a hum of nervousness-not about any one thing, but just general worry and concern. And the effects are not good.  For example, Friday morning I heard the news that a...

Our Refuge-Giving God, Psalm 46

Our Refuge-Giving God  Psalm 46, RBF Online, 03/22/2020 Introduction: I’m sure at least parts of this Psalm are familiar to you. God is our refuge and strength. Be still and know that I am God. These are phrases often heard in conversation, on coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc. I found it interesting, though, when I read through this Psalm with my kids and asked for their observations, my 7 year old said, “it’s very violent.” And she’s right. Not many children’s story Bibles depict God spraying fire down on chariots or snapping the bows and spears of enemy warriors. So what is happening in the midst of this confusion? How can a Psalm both be violent and comforting? In this Psalm we are going to see three truths about God which have direct implications for our lives. The first one is in verses 1-3. God is Present, so you need not fear. v1-3 - One of the most central questions in my life has been this: can I trust God? - How does the Psalmist answer? God is our refuge and strength, a ...

6 Reasons to Take Heart, John 16:25-33

Take Heart John 16:25-33 Remsen Bible Fellowship, 03/15/2020 Introduction We live in a world utterly gripped by fear. Fear of Coronavirus. Fear of economic uncertainty. Fear of the other team winning the election. Fear of climate change.  On an individual level we face fear of relationships breaking down. Fear of change. Fear of death. Fear that our complete lack of control might be made manifest. We’re afraid of this fact: we aren’t God. Jesus' disciples faced fear in the upper room. 14:1, 27; 16:6, 20, 22 What we saw last week was that this sorrow was to be short-lived. Now, as Jesus comes to the culmination of this discourse, this last long conversation before the cross, in v33 he tells them to take heart.  But he doesn’t just say take heart , or make that statement devoid of context. In verses 25-33 I think what we find are 6 reasons that believers in Jesus can have peace, 6 reasons not to fear-6 reasons to take heart.  1. Take Heart, b...