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Showing posts from May, 2020

Safely Kept; John 17:6-12

Safely Kept John 17:6-12, 05/10/20, Remsen Bible Fellowship Introduction Does Jesus love everyone? Does God display kindness to all people? Obviously this is true in some sense. God gives everyone the same sunshine and the same rain. We know from John 3:16 that God so loved the world, the broad sweep of sinful humanity, that he gave his only Son to die. And in Mark 10:21 we read that Jesus loved, he had compassion for, the rich young man-despite the fact that this young man was going to walk away from Jesus. I think it’s fair to say there is a clear sense in which Jesus loves everyone, and that he and the Father are united in this love.  But does he love everyone in the same way? Perhaps you’ve heard that we’re all equal in God’s eyes. We’re certainly all equally guilty before him-but are we all equally treasured? Here in John 17:6-12 , as Jesus’ prayer shifts from his request that the Father restore his eternal glory and begins to focus on the requests he has regarding his peopl...

Glorify the Son; John 17:1-5

Glorify the Son, John 17:1-5 Remsen Bible Fellowship, 04/29/2020 Introduction What do your prayers sound like? When you sit down at your table, or lay in bed, or you’re driving to work, what crosses your mind to bring before God? For many of us, myself included, we rush straight into requests. And the advice we’re often given is to knock that off. Don’t start with your list. Start with God. Acknowledge who he is. Praise him for his excellence and worth. And that’s good advice. Many prayers in Scripture begin by taking stock of who we’re talking to, ascribing him the glory due his name, meditating on his character. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. But that’s not the only way to pray. In fact, in what we refer to as the Lord’s prayer, found in Matthew 6, Jesus is responding to his disciples’ request for instructions on prayer. And the model prayer he gives is full of requests. Coming to God with requests is not wrong. It makes total sense given our neediness as creat...